Does your team or company have the right ingredients to enable employees to be creative, learn and grow?

 May 16, 2019

I’m sure many of you can remember being part of a team or meeting when you felt you wanted to contribute some thoughts, feelings or alternative options but decided it was probably wiser to say nothing? This silence is common place and sadly it is also harming many teams and organisation’s ability to be creative, grow and develop. I remember a time when I made the decision to offer my thoughts and ask the ‘stupid’ question, only to be shot down immediately. This was in...

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How are you approaching the hot topic of employee engagement?

 Feb 20, 2019

It appears that if organisations can improve employee engagement then staff retention and loyalty will improve; people will feel more engaged and happier at work. The thought is happy employees are more emotionally engaged in the workplace, committed to the business. HR professionals recognise the link between engagement and performance, highlighting the importance of engaging employees. ( One description is ‘the extent to which employees feel passionate about their job,...

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Building trusting environments to disagree more at work

 Feb 2, 2018

Trust is one of those small words which represents so much more than is often understood. There are so many variables of what people ‘trust’ each other to do or not do based on different opinions, perceptions and scenarios. As mentioned in my earlier blog trust is a two-way process between two or more people. Trust involves each person to be prepared to be vulnerable and their propensity to risk-taking....

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Trust - How important is trust to you, your employees and the organisation?

 Nov 15, 2017

Where trust is built between people at all levels of an organisation, it can reduce the friction which impedes social interaction and leads to improved economic value for organisations. Just like placing oil in your car to keep the engine running smoothly, trust can reduce valuable time and wasted resources spent on ineffective discussions, meetings, administration and poor decision making. Trust is a two-way process; it is just as important that the trustor has the propensity to trust the...

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Active Listening: how often as coaches and leaders do we reflect on our listening skills?

 Mar 16, 2017

The term listening and especially active listening can easily be bandied about without consideration of the actual ingredients, let alone the complexities of delivering it consistently within the coaching environment. It can be difficult to maintain listening with intent during the coaching session, instead we can experience mental interference, a need to fix it’ and instinct to offer advice. In this blog post I offer my thoughts on active listening based on research I did. There has...

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